On its Broadway debut in 1959, Gibson’s little masterpiece met with extraordinary success and was performed continuously for almost three years. The story’s focus is Helen and her inability to see, hear and speak. Her parents assist her, caught between hope and defeat, and above all, her teacher, Anna, played in this new production by Mascia Musy. She is stern and inflexible, but determined to find a way to communicate. Sign language – considered one of the ten top discoveries in modern history – will be the solution that allows Helen to learn, express feelings and needs, grow up, gain respect and tell her own story. The rest of the cast includes Fabrizio Coniglio, Anna Mallamaci and Laura Nardi.
14 – 19 Nov 2023Valentina Mameli2023-11-13T10:34:12+00:00
by William Gibson
codice 34
Recite accessibili
1h e 15 min
calendario recite
14 nov 2023 ore 19.30
15 nov 2023 ore 20.45
16 nov 2023 ore 19.30
17 nov 2023 ore 20.45
18 nov 2023 ore 19.30
19 no 2023 ore 16.00