In the 3rd century BCE, under the reign of Ptolemy II, a commission of seventy-two Jewish scholars was tasked with translating the Pentateuch—namely, the first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy)—into Greek. The narratives contained in these sacred texts marked a true watershed, relegating myth, which until then had been the primary means of explaining the origins and order of the world, to the realm of fantasy. The language of the Old Testament, steeped in symbolism and profound meanings, challenges readers to grasp not only its religious message but also the historical and cultural context in which those texts were written. Gabriele Vacis and the artists of PoEM have grappled with these questions, striving to convey the poetry and depth of those millennia-old writings through a language that speaks to modern audiences, stitching together past and present and breathing new life into words that, though centuries old, continue to powerfully resonate in our consciences.

with Davide Antenucci, Andrea Caiazzo, Pietro Maccabei, Lucia Raffaella Mariani, Eva Meskhi, Erica Nava, Enrica Rebaudo, Edoardo Roti, Kyara Russo, Letizia Russo, Lorenzo Tombesi, Gabriele Valchera
directed by Gabriele Vacis
dramaturgy Gabriele Vacis, Lorenzo Tombesi and the PoEM Company
scenophony and environments Roberto Tarasco
sound Riccardo Di Gianni
choral arrangements Enrica Rebaudo
assistant director Erica Nava
Teatro Stabile di Torino – National Theatre
in collaboration with PoEM Impresa Sociale – Potenziali Evocati Multimediali