The Seller of Metaphors
Ugo Dighero and Paolo Fresu play the two leads in Tango Macondo, based on Salvatore Niffoi’s The Seller of Metaphors. The play is about an offbeat trader and his journey from Sardinia to Macondo, the village in the middle of the Colombian forest, invented by García Márquez for his One Hundred Years of Solitude. This fanciful story combines magic realism and tragedy, connecting two distant lands. It becomes a pentagram for universal and human music to the sound of Fresu’s trumpet and is cadenced by Argentine ocarinas and bandoneons. Other performers include Rosanna Naddeo, Paolo Li Volsi, musicians Daniele di Bonaventura, Pierpaolo Vacca, and dancers Luca Alberti, Alice Pani, Valentina Squarzoni, and Francesca Zaccaria.